Sunday, 8 May 2011

The weather - part I

It seems that weather is an integral part of any conversation with a British, be it report on weather outlook, comments on weather over the past days, or indicating weather one hopes to encounter at a specific time period of a year.
10 years ago, I found this a peculiar topic of conversation. After all, weather was nothing more than a passing comment or reported fact. 10 years on, I would say that I am rather good at the game, having acquired an array of adjective and descriptive phrases to ensure an entertaining dialogue with any British.
Of course, there are a few rules which one has to follow. Firstly, sunshine and heat is always desired, and rain disgusted. Whenever the weather forecast suggests sunshine, it must be mentioned and emphasised in a conversation, the more positive and hopeful towards the forecast being realised the better. Second, snow must be wished for Christmas. For the 10 years I stayed in the UK, only 2010 had the wish come true. Nonetheless one must keep one's hope up. Thirdly, try to be cheerful with the weather even if it is raining cats and dogs - never spoil the conversation.
Weather is important to most British. If you feel that you are ready to discuss weather at length, then you are starting to adapt to the British way of life

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